Monday, July 22

long time no see

I can't grasp the fact that I completely gave up on this blog. Jeez...truth be told I was actually expecting that to happen but beware my friends cause I am back in the atmosphere!
These past few months have been flowing like birds in the sky (what type of analogy is this?!) Anyways, let's get back to real stuff. I got in at AUB which was a definite victory for me, what an accomplishment! I'm quite scared of leaving my country and my friends and family behind but i'm also sure that great things lie ahead and that's where I have to aim for, i'm also pretty sure that I won't forget about this place (who would?) or my friends, (ALSO, WHO WOULD?) they're the best bunch of people I have ever met in my entire life, they arouse everything good in me and i'm so thankful for the strength they have given me throughout this whole thing. It's been crazy and i'll sure miss them like crazy.
It's amazing, life throws so many pebbles at us, they jump up and down and sometimes it's hard to keep up, everything is always so surprising. Sometimes I find myself feeling sad about things and about life and the hard situation of going away but then something both chilling and thrilling happens and suddenly I don't know where the hell I am. (like the other day but i'll tell you about that some other time)
I want to make the best of the time I've still got before being away for 3 months so I decided to start posting things on this place once again! I won't lie to you and say how much work I've been doing because I would be lying HOWEVER I've been working on this thing that my brother asked me to do for him, it's a bit out of my comfort zone, much fun nonetheless. It's a watercolour portrait of him and his girlfriend. It's still on the make but if all goes working to the plan it might be finished tomorrow or the day after. (I'll show some pictures then)

Give me some skin. Mara

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